Scrubber Driers Machine

Vismaya Traders consists of a wide range of Scrubber Driers including mini scrubbers, Single Disc Machines, Walk-behind & Ride-on Scrubber Driers comprising a range of machines for a range of industrial, commercial, and domestic cleaning requirements.

Mini Scrubbers

Combi 5

Mini Floor Washers

Roots Scrub Wizzard
Roots Scrub Wizzard – Battery

Single Disc Machines

Roots Scrub HD 430 Plus
Roots Scrub SD430

Walk Behind Scrubber Driers

Roots Scrub B4560
Roots Scrub E4043
Roots Scrub BT4545
Roots Scrub BT 6050
Roots Scrub E/B 4550
Roots Scrub E6050 C
Roots Scrub E/B 6060
Roots Scrub E/B 4545

Ride on Scrubber Driers

Roots Scrub RB 800 C
RB 650/750/850 Standard
Roots Scrub RB 800 SS
RB 650/750/850 Premium
Roots Scrub RB 950
Roots Scrub RB 800

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